6/12 I LOVE LOVE LOVE google. It just saved me a couple grand and/or hours on the phone.
I thought my aperture dial was broken, but alas, it wasn't. Yippee!
Got home from Minnesota yesterday afternoon. Great trip.
Justin, Jacob, Isaac, and Allison are gone Wednesday through Saturday on Trek.
It's just me and Ammon. He's likes having the computer all to himself.
He had a tick IN his side this morning and I'm thanking the Heavens above
that Justin was here to get it out.
I've been freaked out all day.
6/13 Great day with Ammon. Seven Peaks in the morning (first time for both of us).
Mount Timpanogos Temple grounds and picnic.
Shopping at WalMart for produce, Father's Day BBQ stuff,
and candy bars to make a Father's Day poster.
Watched Mary POPpins, ate POPcorn, and drank POP at our POP party.
Bought two sets of snowshoes WITH poles for $50. Justin is going to be ecstatic.
6/18 The Endrizzi's came over tonight to take their family pictures. They turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself.
The wedding I photographed last Saturday was HARD! So glad my sister in law, Sienna, was there to help.
Upgraded to lightroom 5 today.
I am so happy with our new grass and backyard.
Made Justin a candy bar poster for Father's Day and had a bbq with brats stuffed with saur kraute, wrapped in bacon. My parents were able to spend Saturday night and part of Sunday with us.
My lips hurt real bad. They need to get used to the dry Utah weather after Minnesota.