Friday, September 3, 2010

Not for the squeamish

MN fair take, ?? 
How many times have I gone to the fair? Maybe five.  I have decided it is soooo much more pleasant to go with a girlfriend; haven't gone with only Justin yet, but I'm sure that would trump the girly time out.
My friend Lyea caved in and said she'd come with me and help me use up our free tickets from the library.  Woot!  
I woke up way too early for my liking: 7:45!  I must add that I'd been awake for a couple hours due to a monster thunder/lightening storm in the wee hours of the morning.
Lyea was a star and quickly sold my other two remaining tickets for a total of $20 to spend on food.  No guilt this year!  I didn't take random pictures of people this year, sorry to disappoint har har.
Our first stop was to the Miracle of Birth building.  We were fortunate/unfortunate to be there during the birth of some piglets.  It's way grosser to look at the pictures, but here ya go.  Pukers.
Browsed some shops, admired flower arrangements and huge pumpkins, strolled through crafty stuff, and oohed and ahhed at art works.  
Not to mention, deep fried cheese curds (almost like chewing salty gum lol), oh so yummy french fries, fresh squeezed lemonade, and mini donuts.  I left completely over satisfied in the tummy department.  
Also need to add that it was delightfully overcast with a slight breeze and a minimal amount of people.  Plus excellent company.  It's great to have girl time and chat about girly things.  

Who wouldn't want one of these gems?  A pink ribbon!  For shame!

1 comment:

  1. I almost tossed my cookies when I saw that last photo with the crafty thing. The pigs did not bug me at all.
