I need to rant just a bit.
Ammon. He already has issues with school. Add covid, home school one day, back again, etc. GETTING covid, missing over two weeks, and also others due to covid flare ups.
So here's the sitch with two classes.
PE. He missed seven days (a lot!). The teacher has a policy that he can make up three of those. Does anyone see an issue with this? Cuz I do.
Also, what he has for his make up work is ridiculous. Class is 66 minutes long. Ammon needs to do 60 minutes of physical activity along with writing a one page paper per missed day.
It's gonna take him WAY longer that 6 minutes to write a paper.
I have lots of not nice thoughts on this.
The other sitch:::
He was put in study skills class at the term break due to failing his classes. This is for him to work on assignments that are late or needs help with. The teacher never sat him down and explained how things worked. Now with the term almost over, he is throwing him a bone by saying he can get 70% credit if he does x and y and also an extra credit assignment. He's giving him more work when he's already drowning in work. I think this teacher hugely dropped the ball and didn't do his job.
I like how Justin related this. If Ammon was employed and doing a cruddy job, his boss would talk with him and say hey, why aren't you doing x? etc. Not just say (when a parent advocate approaches him) you're fired. Or I'll pay you half your wages. I guess if you're a terrible employer you could. So I guess this teacher is terrible.
We are very frustrated parents. We hired a tutor which has been so great, but shouldn't have been needed if the school was paying any attention (he has a 504). I was told today that since he didn't end up with F's last semester was why he wasn't being helped. !@!@!@!@! He was completely failing until I sat on him for two days straight and he ended up with terrible grades, but passing. This is a fail by our education system.
My even keeled, mild mannered, easy going kid has been crying and having yelling fits due to the stress of having so many missing assignments and F's. Something isn't right.
I need to end this by saying that most of his teachers have been really amazing and willing to work with Ammon. I realize they are in a different situation as well and under a lot of stress, so am trying to be empathetic to them. I am glad Ammon is back in school and learning something, even if it is how to deal with conflict.